Saturday, September 10, 2011

Review: Cafe Mori Caramel Flavor Cappucino

I've been wanting to buy instant coffee and whaddya think but I find some coffee on sale?

jardin Cafe Mori Caramel Flavor Cappucino

 ¡Ü Àðµ­ : 2010Ò´
 ¡Ü 20 ml,  \4900
 ¡Ü Cappuccino

Instant Coffee 7.7%, Sugar, Foaming Creamer[ Corn syrup, Skim milk pd.( Milk), Vegetable Fat, Acidity regulator], Vegetable Cream [Corn syrup, Vegetable Fat, Sodium caseinate]

A Korean webpage has these ingredients translated to English by Google Translate:

인 스턴트커피 7.7%, 백설탕, 포밍크리머[물엿, 탈지분유(우유),식물성유지, 산도조절제], 식물성크림[물엿,식물성유지, 카제인나트륨(우유), 산도조절제, 혼합탈지분유(우유)], 분말결정포도당, 덱스트린, 탈지분유(우유), 가공소금, 합성착향료(카라멜향) Instant coffee, 7.7%, Sugar, Foaming creamer [syrup, skim milk powder (milk), vegetable oil, acidity regulator], Vegetable Cream syrup, vegetable oil, sodium caseinate (milk), acidity regulators, mixed skim milk powder (milk)], decision powder, glucose, dextrin, skim milk powder (milk), processed salt, synthetic Flavor (karamelhyang)

The latter list looks more like it eh?

In 2009 the Wonder Girls endorsed this coffee brand:

How cute are the Wonder Girls endorsing the new Jardin coffee creation – Cafe Mori 'Stylish Coffee'.

Mori apparently, in the native australian language meaning "rising sunshine" and also comes from the old English "morish", which means "extremely tasty and willing to have more".

This doesn't make me more inclined to try it but I speculate it's something of a mass market brand in Korea.

Packaging review:
The Philippine packaging isn't as nice as the one pictured here. It's a dull dark gray box with 25 sticks of coffee and costing around Php250. At around P10/stick, it's a little bit more expensive than our local coffee brands. Great Taste Cappuccino comes at around P6.50/stick for example and Nescafe flavored coffees cost more than that. Neither the box nor the coffee stick has an ingredient list or "brewing" directions and I think this is something NexTrade Philippines should consider revising.

Coffee review:
A foam does form on top courtesy of the foaming creamer (what does non-foaming creamer consist of?) though it's not as foamy as a proper cap. I have a stick of Nestle Cappuccino from Australia which I'm saving for a want-to-be-indulged day and its ingredients consist of : Milk solids, vegetable oil, soluble coffee (15%) maltodextrin, sugar, stabilisers, salt, anti-caking agent. I can already tell it would have a better coffee taste and I like that it has real milk instead of just creamer. But that review is for another day.

It has a caramel-ly smell which is but proper but I think the mocha or

So how does it taste? Well, I gotta say local Nescafe coffee mixes have a better coffee aroma although Cafe Mori is a bit less sweet, which I like. You should use the regular coffee measure of only 160 mL of water instead of the usual full mug or it would taste too bland.

Conclusion? It's good at sale price but otherwise I'd rather buy local at full price.

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