Thursday, July 17, 2014

Review: Sweet Valley Mango Choco

I've previously tried R&M's Choco Mangga, which is an expensive chocolate dipped dried mango. Here's an image from

I liked the contrast between the sweet-sour mango and the chocolate coating that did NOT taste horribly artificial (or as they call it "chocolate flavored") instead of real chocolate.

So when I saw another variety of chocolate with mango, I bit, despite the high price. I can't quite remember but I think this small box of 6 cost more than Php90.

(Another rotated photo--very strange. Why is Blogger rotating my photos when they're already right side up? Anyone know how to can correct this?)

There was a much bigger chocolate to mango ratio in this form factor. The mango inside was not really dried mango but more like thick, chewy mango jam. See the photo below:

(This one isn't rotated. What gives? Is it because the earlier ones are extra large?)

This one had the bad chocolate. But I shouldn't wonder since the first chocolate ingredient is "cocoa substitute". I wonder what that is. Carob? But it's probably a "chocolate substitute" instead. The usual cocoa with vegetable oil and no cocoa butter.

(This one is extra large but it isn't rotated. Sheesh)

So this is very sweet and with no real chocolate taste.

Verdict: not buying this again.

I guess I don't like the mango chocolate taste combination enough otherwise it would be pretty simple to buy dried mangoes, melt some chocolate, and dip them.

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